Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Covering the Truth

We recently received this message view the listserv for historians of Africa hosted by Michigan State University.

In response to the explosion of campus interest in the Kony2012 video  and the "Cover the Night" event this weekend of the Invisible Children  organization, several Africanists have prepared new educational  materials to promote more accurate understanding of the situation in  Uganda and Central Africa and the LRA.

The 11-page packet React and Respond: The Phenomenon of Kony 2012 can be downloaded from the web site of the Association of Concerned African Scholars.

It includes an overview of the LRA situation, guides for teachers  about stereotypes and critical thinking about Africa and media  literacy regarding the Kony 2012 video, "What can we do about Uganda  and the LRA?," and a resource list. Please share it with high school  and middle school teachers - and college students - you think might  use it.  The National Council of Social Studies (NCSS) is publishing a  shortened version in the May-June edition of "Social Education," which  has 17,000 subscribers. The packet was created by the Outreach  Directors at the Boston University and Michigan State University  African Studies Centers, Barbara Brown and John Metzler, with  Christine Root from the Association of Concerned Africa (ACAS).

See also the Association of Concerned Africa Scholars' Statement to  the U.S. Government about the Lord's Resistance Army and Central  Africa which is on ACAS' extensive resource list on this topic.

Finally, a group of young scholars has organized Uncover the Night, a petition campaign  advocating to Obama against a military solution.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Slacktivism to Activism

We are hoping, through our April 12 viewing and follow-up conversation with regional experts, to help move our community from slacktivism to activism. The term slacktivism has been around for a few years, but the Kony 2012 phenomenon has gotten people to think about it more carefully.

  The Rise of the Slacktivist
Sortable The Rise of the Slacktivist